We don't bite without consent.

What is the age range and demographic?
We welcome everyone age 18 and up, whether you're single, in a relationship, or poly, all orientations, and all gender identifications and expressions! If you're kinky or even just curious, you're welcome at the Shed!
What is your policy on alcohol?
We do not serve alcohol, nor do we allow alcohol to be brought in. For the safety and comfort of everyone involved, we respectfully ask that you also do not drink before coming to the Shed. We take consent very seriously and want to prevent any chance that alcohol could interfere with informed, clear-headed consent.
Is there a dress code?
No. Every weekend people wear everything from jeans and t-shirts to clubwear to fetishwear. We encourage people to wear whatever makes you comfortable -- except glitter! NO GLITTER ALLOWED.
Do I have to get naked and do I have to participate?
Absolutely not! The only thing we require out of our members is common courtesy. Full nudity is allowed but is certainly not expected. We also have an area of the dungeon with nothing but sofas for those who would like to talk quietly or simply watch.
Can I bring my own toy bag?
Do you have somewhere I can stash my stuff?
Yes, we have a changing room that also doubles as a storage area. We do have lockers available for rent for $5/night as well.
How much is a membership?
The standard membership is a flat fee per person; there are no higher rates for single men or couples memberships. However, if you are a member of any local (Florida) groups, talk to your group leader about possible entrance discounts for group trips!
Memberships are $40 per person and are paid when you arrive.
Do I have to pay every time I come?
Yes. Like most public dungeons, there is an entrance fee every time you come. We would love to be able to charge only the low membership dues, but until we become independently wealthy, we’ll need your help to keep the place up and running. The entrance fee is $30 per person. Again, talk to your group leader about possible discounts or group rates.
So do I have to pay $70 my first night?
We're happy to say No! On your first night your entrance is complimentary so all you pay is the $40 membership fee. This way it is never more than $40, and every night other than your initial membership dues and your renewal date, it is only $30.
Do you take credit cards?
We do take credit cards, however we do charge a small service fee of $1 for charges under $5. If you would like to purchase drinks throughout the night, we are happy to hold onto your credit card and run a tab for you so that everything can be charged at the same time. Running a tab is also a convenient way to ensure you don't have to dig out a card or cash with every transaction.
What is your policy on cameras?
There are absolutely no recording devices (this includes cell phones and smart watches) allowed during open hours. However those who want to do photo and video shoots are welcome to rent the space while we are not open, and we do have special events specifically to give the opportunity for those hot 'n sexy pictures in the dungeon.
What's the lowdown on these membership forms?
Because we are licensed as a private membership club, only members are allowed. This includes even those who are visiting from out of town and will not be frequent visitors.
Membership paperwork must be done upon initial visit and membership renewal. Membership is good for 1 full year from the date that your dues ($40) are paid.
The Woodshed holds all information confidential and will neither sell it, nor share private information such as legal names. Information will be entered into a password-protected, encrypted database that will protect your information while also allowing us to easily confirm your membership at the door. A driver's license or other official ID is required, however it will NOT be copied or the number recorded; this is for confirmation of ID only.
What’s the big deal about being a private membership club anyway?
Being a private membership club allows us to do what it is that we do. Like being able to play in the dungeon without worrying about underwear or nipple tape!
Is there food available?
We have coffee available for free. Sodas, bottled water, juice, and candy are available for $1 each.
What kinds of play don’t you allow?
No scat please. It’s messy.
No male ejaculation please. It’s messy.
No female ejaculation please. It’s messy.
No sex or strap-ons. It CAN be messy, but mostly it just treads a legal line that we prefer not to toe.
If you would like to do something that could be considered edge play, we simply ask that you speak with a DM beforehand.
Do you do any private rentals of the space?
Absolutely! We rent to groups, photographers, or couples who want to use the space just for themselves. Generally the rental should be for a time when the dungeon would not normally be open to the public. Please call us at 407-293-7474 if you would like more details.
Is your venue wheelchair accessible?
Yes. We are a single floor space with no stairs, and all doorways and restrooms are wheelchair accessible.
I'm new to Orlando. What other groups and events are out there besides the Shed?
In addition to the Woodshed Library, we have additional resources listed below for your convenience.
The Carter Johnson Library & Collection - Florida Annex
The Woodshed is home to a lending library available to full members for $12 a year. We have books for beginners and books for those looking to go deeper. We have everything from hot steamy fiction to books on etiquette and protocol. Want to learn more about rope? We have books on that. Want to learn about Leather? We have books on that too!
We are also home to the Florida Annex of the Carter Johnson Library and Collection. While items from this collection are not currently able to be checked out, you are welcome to look through its books, magazines, and articles that span decades of kink history while you are at The Woodshed!